Locations in:
Our team of specialist doctors offer:
Circumcision for babies aged 0-6 months.
Second opinions / minor revisions.
Local anesthesia nerve block injection.
Online pricing and booking.
No referral needed.
Availability every week.
Book an Appointment
Toronto Forest Hill (KinderCare)
& Toronto Central (BloorKids)
$500 for 0-2 months old
$650 for 2-3 months old
$750 for 3-4 months old
$850 for 4-5 months old
$950 for 5-6 months old
& Peterborough
$400 for 0-2 months old
$550 for 2-3 months old
$650 for 3-4 months old
$750 for 4-5 months old
$850 for 5-6 months old
Meet Our Doctors
Commitment and Values
The Circumcision Clinic is commited to providing rapid access to the highest quality newborn / baby circumcision.
Families can easily book their own appointments (no referral needed).
Free cancelations.
Appointments available weekly.
A doctor is available to answer questions and provide care during the healing process in person, by phone, and by secure parent portal linked directly to the electronic medical record within 24hrs.
Our technique uses long-acting local anesthetic injection, minimizing pain and discomfort, and results in optimal cosmetic and medical outcomes.
A baby/family-centred approach that respects dignity, privacy and comfort - including private rooms for feeding and changing.
What our patients and families say
Families can book an appointment without a referral.
A health care provider referral for circumcision is always welcome!
Referrals can be completed using the online referral form.
Referrals can be made manually by completing this form: PDF Referral Form.
Please fax this form to (647) 476-7007.
Our Story
The arrival of a new baby boy is exciting, joyous, and meaningful. It can also be exhausting and overwhelming. Many hospitals were not offering circumcision before discharge, leaving families scrambling to find a doctor— a process that might require multiple phone calls over several days. Beyond providing a safe, cosmetically appropriate circumcision, we strive to improve the experience for families in several ways.
Timely, convenient booking process.
Transparent pricing.
Partnering with clinics that have clean, well-run facilities with space for other loved ones, including grandparents, and where there is privacy to feed, change, and comfort the baby.
Focusing on minimizing pain through the use of local anesthesia nerve block and/or creams, sucrose sedation, and a calm approach.
Willingness to have an open communication policy, including a secure encrypted portal for families to share photos during healing.
Ongoing access in the event of any further questions as the baby grows, no matter how old the child.
All of our team members share the same values and commitment to family-centred care.