Forest Hill
Circumcision Clinic
Offers circumcision for babies ages 0-6 months old under local anesthesia nerve block injection to deliver safe and cosmetically appropriate care.
Toronto - Forest Hill
491 Eglinton Ave. W., Suite 305,
Toronto, ON M5N 1B1
Located at:
KinderCare Pediatrics Clinic
Forest Hill
491 Eglinton Ave. W., Suite 305,
Toronto, ON
M5N 1B1
Parking Information
There is some parking on Eglinton just in front of the building. If these spots are full, take Castle Knock Road (first street east of the building) one half block North. The parking lot entrance will be on your left. There is a municipal parking lot behind the plaza on the north side of Eglinton across from the clinic. There is also municipal street parking on Burnaby Blvd.
The easiest way to pay for parking is through the GreenP App (Apple or Android).
Additional Information:
The clinic is located on the 3rd floor just opposite the elevators.
Meet Our Doctors
What our Toronto Forest Hill patients and families say
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Toronto Forest Hill location
NOTE: Dr. David Levin and Dr. David Gurau and Dr. Jacob Langer share coverage for The Circumcision Clinic.
By booking your procedure you agree to the care of any provider.
Families can book an appointment without a referral.
A health care provider referral for circumcision is always welcome!
Referrals can be completed using the online referral form.
Referrals can be made manually by completing this form: PDF Referral Form.
Please fax this form to (647) 476-7007.